Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Are you friggin kidding me?

Can someone please explain to me why this Caylee Anthony case is still going on? Why her mother is still labeled as a "person of interest"?? For FUCK'S sake! She had a DECOMPOSING BODY in her trunk, and wow the hairs match Caylee's, big shocker, what could that possibly MEAN everybody?!, could it be Caylee after all? - HMMM!!! The mother never even reported her "missing", the grandmother did, she never reacted, she borrows a shovel and steals gas cans, she goes out partying while her daughter is "missing", she didn't want the daughter in the first place, the babysitter's (name) exists but had never seen or heard of the mother, the apartment she supposedly dropped her daughter off had been empty for months and said babysitter had never lived there...why the HELL is this still in the news and why the HELL is it some kind of bizarre mystery??! It's called MURDER. Fry the bitch and let's be done with it. GOD.

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