Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh. My. God.

What in the HELL was I thinking??!

I have to mark a momentous occasion here...I have just deleted - completely - my LiveJournal account. My Real one, from 2002. May I repeat, what in the HELL was I thinking, having that stuff on there??!

I'm all about honesty and openness but MY GOD. When I saw what was on there it had to be deleted THAT INSTANT. I looked through to see if there were any comments I wanted to keep, there were a few from Douche Bag Thom (which is different than regular Thom...or are they one in the same?...Nah...I'll never believe it.), but I can't deny that it was because of said Thom that I was able to get that stuff OFF OF THE INTERNET, NOW!!!, because he'd put all of it in Word format for me already, long ago. Thank god.


One good thing about seeing the comments he did leave (those were almost the only times he did leave them, when he was being passive aggressive and we were fighting), it made it easier to say "piss off, jerk" and good riddance.

Yeah right.

Nothing changes. I'm never happy to see a relationship turn to ash like that and blow away. He still wants to pretend I don't exist. I still want to be good friends again. It will never go away.

Anyway, before I wax all melancholic on water that's evaporated under the bridge, I just had to get this out somewhere that the Delete has been done. I'd be sad, but...I'm too relieved, second only to my shell-shock that it was ever there to begin with.

Crazy teenagers/20 years olds.

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