Saturday, August 9, 2008

10 Minutes: Writing Prompt - Object in Room

Look around the room and pick an object. Write one paragraph describing the object in full detail and a second paragraph explaining where it came from.

One paragraph, right. Well I've got ten minutes to fill, so we'll see what happens.

My eyes glance across the trash dump that is our room at the moment; yes, another weekend that For all the objects (basically almost everything I own) that are laying around, all with a story of adventure and intrigue, the one thing that catches my eye for the moment is a pair of sticks. Well properly I suppose there are three sticks, but two are just sticks (blue) and one is green with large leather balls at the end. Jester sticks, from the Renaissance festival some 5 years ago.

Five years ago was at least five lifetimes ago, really. That was my AJ life. And I think the reason I want to write about these for this exercise is because it would be fun to revisit AJ life, almost like I have permission for a moment (or rather, ten minutes), to do so.

You see, I don't think about AJ life so much anymore. It crosses my mind from time to time, and once in awhile I'll even scope out his page or his photos, and look at the ones of him and his wife with a mixture of happiness and the bittersweetness that any once- would feel for about a now-, no matter what the terms and conditions. You never got a box back then to check if you agreed, though I guess it's of little consequence, as I'd have checked the box anyway, especially back then.

Anywho since AJ life I've had Italy life, and New Zealand life, and Queenstown life, and Matt life, and my most recent past-life of course being Sjoerd life, and the most pertinent life Tucson-life which is a chapter of Ray-life. But back in AJ life, we had some good times. No scratch that, we had some really, really, REALLY fun times!

I don't have much for memory, can't remember conversations or snippets of information, but some images I do have burned into my brain, and one of them is standing there at the Renaissance fair with AJ and we'd gone with Tina and Dan, and he bought me these silly things that I'd wanted ever since the last time I'd gone to this festival in 8th grade and he got a set for himself, and we switched the sticks so that we'd each have a piece of each others'...which is why the colors don't match. That's one of the only things I remember about the ren fair, but of AJ life I remember a lot of other stuff - working at the front desk, meditating for an ice cream cone - and GETTING one; salt shakers in the dining hall; World History; big decisions, SPRING BREAK, amazing; Joshua Tree; Wilson hall and so, so, so much else. Ten minutes apparently isn't enough to even get started...but I have to stick to the limit. We'll have to revisit this some other time...

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