Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Shedding the junk!

I am feeling very organized and very liberated tonight. I made AMAZING progress on paring down and organizing all my SHIT. I am so stoked. I feel so free... My goal is to go just above asceticism (by modern American standards) and get down to as few belongings as I can. I want to be free to start from nothing...and stay there. It is so much better weighing less. I am SO CLOSE to being DONE, I can really see it now! And then I'll have so much more time, energy, and focus to think creatively, breathe freely, and think of other things rather than my preoccupation with all the junk that surrounds me. It's time to start cutting ties in a major way to THINGS and make more room for THOUGHTS, and IDEAS, and SPIRITUALITY. How can you think on a higher level when you're bogged down on a physical one? So close now!

Life is good tonight. I really feel like I'm about ready and able to move on, and move forward.

Good day!

1 comment:

horefrost said...

Thanks G! We are well on our way to being clutter free!! Thank you for all of the cleaning up and organizing, it has made a HUGE difference!! Bestest Girlfriend EVER!